Pacchetto turistico

Archeologia e natura a Cupra Marittima

Validità: dal 01 gennaio 2014 al 31 dicembre 2014 Fun, Nature
Offerta speciale 1280€ 3 giorni & 2 notti / 8 ospiti
Prenota subito


Educational archaeological dig simulation

This offer is valid all year round for groups of a minimum of 8 people, with full board and accommodation in standard twin/double rooms in a 3-star hotel or holiday farm (according to availability).

The total cost of the package is € 160 per person.

An eight-seater minibus is available on request and at an extra charge.

Cosa si fa

Day 1

- Arrival at the hotel/holiday farm for lunch, settling in, nature and culture walk at the Parco Archeologico in Cupra Marittima;

- return to the hotel/holiday farm, evening meal, visit to the local craft markets when in season or an evening of indoor games or dancing;

Day 2

- breakfast, visit to the Museo Archeologico del Territorio in Cupra Marittima, educational archaeological dig simulation;

- lunch, visit to the Mostra Malacologica Mondiale in Cupra Marittima (approx. 2 hours), walk along the seafront or relaxation on the beach (weather permitting);

- evening meal and free time;

Day 3

- breakfast, departure.

Dove si fa

Cupra Marittima and sourroundings
